
abode: (noun) a place of residence; a house or home.

As I began contemplating and praying about starting a blog, the word, abode continually kept coming to mind.

Abode means home.
Home has always meant so much to me. Home is where you live, where you reside. It's where you come from. It says a lot about who you are. Home is a place where you feel most comfortable. Home is the place where you feel most safe. Home is a place where you feel loved.

Home to me means,
Welcome y'all,
A place where the pantry and fridge are always open to all,
The neighborhood meeting spot,
A place to rest,
Too many dirty dishes in the sink becasue it's okay to let them be for a bit- let's just spend the time we have- together,
A place where someone's always playing the piano,
A roaring fire in the fireplace,
Too many scratches on the floor only means more character and memories of our family dog, Palmer, A place of southern comfort,
A place to be real.
Home is a place and a feeling I will always treasure.

I believe your abode should be a place you're proud of, whether that is a 600 square foot apartment, a tiny house, an old home, a new home, or a mansion. I believe that every person deserves to have a place to call home.

I love decorating homes; making spaces where people feel proud to live in. I love transforming spaces whether that means painting walls, moving some furniture around, or just getting things organized.

Home, abode is my passion.

Home also has an even greater meaning for me.
John 14:23 says, "Jesus answered him, 'If anyone loves me, he will keep my word. My father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with him.'"

As much as I love and treasure my earthly home, I treasure my home with Him, Jesus more. Jesus calls us to abode with Him; daily.  No matter where I am, no matter my circumstances, after the home I grew up in is gone, and even after I am gone from this earth, I will be home with Him. I will be in my eternal home, praise Jesus from whom all blessings flow!

But until that day comes, I will continue to seek after Jesus daily, I will abode with Him.

& in the meanwhile, let's have fun doing what Jesus called us to do, and for me, I believe that is helping people find their abode.

Thank y'all for stopping by, I hope you'll stay for a while!

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