Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Thankful for Home; the house that built me

Today I am  t h a n k f u l  for  my h o m e ; for the house that built me. 

This home is where my story begins, 26 years ago; the last born of 4 daughters. 
This place shaped me and molded me for 18+ years & is a big part of who I am today. 

Have you ever heard Miranda Lambert's song, The House that Built me? This song gives me all the feels about home. Each time I hear her song, I can't help but to tearfully reminisce on my childhood and the house that built me.

If only walls could talk, this place would have a lot to say; oh, the stories... stories of laughter, tears, arguments, gatherings, new beginnings, sickness, health, unconditional love, and most importantly forgiveness. 

I’m so very thankful for my roots, for where I come from. I also realize that I'm not the same as I was back then but I’m so thankful for that; thankful to Jesus for constantly growing and changing me. There are times in our lives that may be hard to look back on... but it’s being able to look back on those times and thanking Jesus for that time for it has shaped you, grown you; you wouldn’t be you without it.

Maybe you don’t share my love for home, maybe your story is not like mine, and that's ok.     
 I pray that one day each person would be able to have a home, a place that they have fond memories of; a place where they are loved, a place they are accepted.
I pray that you know ultimately that you have a good Father in heaven who loves you, adores you,  wants good for your life, and that He has an eternal home for you in Heaven. 
"I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well."  Psalm 139:14

Although, I no longer live at my “home” and I haven’t for quite some time, it’s my favorite place in the whole world & it will always be my  h o m e ; the house hat built me. For this, today I am T H A N K L F U L . 

"It is good to give thanks to the Lord, and to sing praises to Your name... to declare Your lovingkindness in the morning, and Your faithfulness every night." —Psalm 92:1-2

It is Thanksgiving week and I have challenged myself to be intentionally thnakful each day this week. What are you thankful for today? 
I am #thankful #grateful & #blessed way more than I deserve.

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