Thursday, June 8, 2017

#cheers2thepierces, Sweet Memories One Year Later

June 4, 2016 Wells and I vowed to forever. 

O N E year later, we are celebrating our anniversary in Anna Maria Island, Florida

I think we could both agree that this year has been the fastest year of our lives.

As we celebrate this past year of marriage, three words come to mind, grace, growth, and thankfulness.
I am thankful for so much about this first year; trying to figure out this thing called marriage, thankful for the memories we've made, for the fun we've had, for the arguments that have only brought us closer to one another, for the growth we've had as individuals and as "The Pierces," & for Jesus who is the glue that holds these two broken people together.
I love Wells more than I did on this day last year; who knew that was possible?
Cheers to 1 year, Wellsy!

Our wedding weekend 1 year ago... I remember it something like this:

Friday June 3rd was spent decorating all that we could for the was a HOT June day in South Carolina.... My sisters, Hannah and Morgan, my friend,  Rachael, and my 2nd cousin, Bailey and I were running around sweating our behinds off; trying to make the Rye Patch look homey with framed pictures, nik-naks, and things I had been collecting for some time; we spent time trying to do last minute things like cutting Magnolia from Hannah's new front yard to decorate with & folding 300 wedding programs for our sweet guests. (Shout out to sweet Bailey, also my Jr. Bridesmaid for folding ALL of these, she's the best!)

I remember it being like 4:00 and I was still at the Rye Patch and still needed to shower and get ready for our rehearsal...which was supposed to begin at 6:00...  those of you who know me know that time is all relative....Wells and I were the last ones 6:30, I think... but hey, we knew the party couldn't start without us, right?

I remember walking into the Rye Patch where we also had our rehearsal dinner and seeing our closest friends and family all in one place. I can still feel the overwhelming realization that this was really happening, our wedding weekend had finally gotten there. 

Then I walked outside and I think the only thing anyone could feel was HOT. Y'all, I remember thinking who in their right mind plans an outdoor wedding for June in SC? Oh yea... ME!

Our Rehearsal dinner was so much fun and so relaxed. It was so fitting for Wells and me. We were surrounded by friends, family, and so many of my little people. I woudn't have had it any other way. My mother-in law spent months planning and putting so much thought into each detail of our Rehearsal Party. We had Shealy's BBQ, a South Carolina delicasy, Arnold Palmers, and delicious petit fours for desert; those things literally melted in your mouth-- SO GOOD!


I remember being at the Rye Patch way too late that night with my bridesmaids cleaning up from the Rehearsal Dinner...but really, it went something like this:
My sister Morgan is hysterical and brings light to every situation; Y'all she was dancing with the mop...haha
As we were about to leave, Morgan ended up pulling my cake topper out of a box only to find the bride's head, MISSING.
Side note, I chose to use my Mom and Dad's cake topper from their wedding in 1982, a ceramic painted topper that was unique and I loved it. 

Once we found the head, amongst our belly laughs, we shoved it in a ziplock baggy and brought it home to add to my Mom's "To Do" list, glue brides head back on...

 Notice the slight crack in her neck...this makes me chuckle each time I look at this picture.

That night my bridesmaids and I stayed up way too late talking in my room on my old full size bed...which we ended up breaking; 6 girls were no match for an antique bed frame.
 "Hey, let's get a selfie.....CRACK goes the bed"

However, as Crosby girls, we made do, my cousin Carlee and I slept on my mattress on the floor beside my bed frame; always what I imagined for my last night under my parents roof, lol.

But really y'all, you just have to laugh.
 If you're in the midst of planning a wedding just take time to laugh. Crazy things are going to happen; just roll with it and take time to just laugh. Some of the craziest things that happened during my wedding weekend are the greatest memories I have.  

The next morning, I woke up at 6 or 7 with maybe 3 hours of sleep; that might even be pushing it. My bridesmaids came over to eat some breakfast, and we began loading a few pieces of furniture I had planned to use for the wedding into the car; of course, 2 of the tables ended up breaking and had to be rigged up so we could bring them to use THAT day! I had no back up plan, whoops.

Also, In Crosby fashion, the morning of my wedding was hectic to say the least. My Dad, bless his heart, gotta love him, was starting things I had been asking him to do the whole week, Mama was trying to keep an eye on my niece and nephew, while doing last minute to do's for me, and my brother-in-law, Kirk was making boiled peanuts for the wedding that evening.

If I'm being honest, the morning of our wedding as I remmeber was a little bit (more like, A LOT) crazy; but honestly, I don't think I could have had it any other way. My family, well we're a lot like the Grizwolds, and I'm totally okay with that. We're the family that makes life interesting and we keep each other and everyone else for that matter, laughing. 

Ole' Kirky cooking up those delish boiled peanuts.

Hair and makeup was scheduled to begin at 10:00 "sharp" in order for all 9 of my bridesmaids and myself to get our hair and makeup done, so we had to DO WORK running around outside like chickens with our heads cut off placing ceremony furniture pieces we had brought from my house and placing table cloths and such....y'all it was 95 degrees and like 99% humidity... need I say more?
After I finally quit running around outside, I came in to get cooled off and just relaxed with my girls. We had drinks & music and it was just what I needed. I remember feeling so at peace, not worrying a bit. That morning with the 3 best hair and makeup artists plus my very best friends was honestly one of my favorite parts of the day. 

When it was finally my turn to get prettied up, one of my flower girls and cousin, Bella ran up to me gave me this bag full of random little things which I'm pretty sure she found from my parents house with the sweetest letter and a handmade drawing of Wells and I. Y'all, I totally lost it. I think whatever it was at that point, it all hit home to me, that this was so real, I was marrying my best friend and everything I had planned was finally here.  

We all got dressed and it was almost time for mine and Wells' "First Look"
I think at this point, It was as if I was floating on a cloud. I remember tapping him on the shoulder him turning around, both of us with tear filled eyes meeting with the longest hug ever. 

Also notice that big old lipstick mark I left on his face, thank goodness for a sister with babies, Mama's always have baby wipes.

The first look was one of the best decisions I made with my photographer, Jessica Roberts.
The first look took so much of the built up hype and wedding day pressure off of both of us. Just being able to see each other gave so much peace and calmness to both of us.
 Also, it was so nice being able to take the majority of our weddding pictures before the ceremony which allowed us to enjoy our reception so much sooner, YAY!

This is one of my fav pictures, taken in our gettaway car, my Dad's 1931 Model A 

Jessica did such an awesome job of capturing the details of our wedding. Still, one year later I look at these and am in awe. 

I loved my invitations by Blush and Crew. I opted out of the typical mailer RSVP and Mariah helped me come up with a creative way to implement the RSVP and details on the details card.
I actually had my invitations addressed by a caligrapher which turned out beautifully and saved my Mama and me A LOT of stress; so worth it! However...with my crazy wedding brain, I did forget to bring my sister's copy to the venue, which I had her save...specifically to be photographed...hah. 

See y'all, another example of things you just have to laugh about. 

I loved my bouquet! Mrs. Kim, a florist in New Ellenton, SC did such an amazing job. I still love, love, love the light pink peonies and the mix of other elements she was able to add in my bouquet.

My garter was handmade by my Mama; so special. She made the delicate blue flower from ribbon she had and used a blue antique button; something old, something blue.

I'm still so glad we were able to borrow these special pendents from my sweet Great Aunt Mot.  These belonged to my Great GrandmaYoung, my Mama's Grandmother, 
 who I was never able to meet; something borrowed.

I loved each of the table floral arrangements at our reception. Each table had unique vases so I gave our florist free reign to make each of them a little bit unique also; using the same mix of florals and greenery

S o m e t h i n g  N e w 

Also, If you can see on the mantle, we used some of the magnolia we cut from my sister's
yard as well as some vintage blue Ball jars for my bridesmaids to set their bouqets into.

I am still so thankful to sweet, Heather Brown, a friend from high school who made all of my handwritten wedding signs; she's so talented!
Y'all, one of these days I am going to learn caligraphy too

Our Sweet Heart Table with a special antique vase my Mama had given me.

I loved the way our buffet turned out, catered by Buckwheats. They always do an amazing job creating their signiature fresh fruit & veggie tower.  
This however is one of the many things I never saw at our wedding so it was a happy surprise when we recieved our wedding photos. :)

This little turtle decided to crash our wedding, so cute.

Y'ALL, how handsome is he???

We took all of our pictures with our wedding party and our families before the wedding; this was such a plus.
 I'm so grateful for these pictures with our familes and extended family. Family is so important to me and to Wells and we still treasure so much having had our families, our support systems there with us at our wedding last year, SO crazy its been a whole year!

Love my Mama and Dad. 
And hello, how pretty is my Mama???

My fam, The Crosby's
I love how real this picture captured us. My niece, Maggie Ruth and nephew, Crosby were SO DONE at this point & this picture just cracks me up.

The Crosby's and Shannon's, my cousins on my Dad's side of the family. 
Love them so much!

The Crosby's and The Young's, my cousins on my Mama's side of the family. 
Love these sweet cousins!

The Pierce Family with sweet Ginny and Papa John

Wells' idea...this still makes me laugh, y'all. 

Snack break. 
My Dad, Papa was feeding boiled peanuts 
to Crosby, my nephew and ring bearer. I loved his sweet white outfit 
especially while it was still white...haha

Our wedding party was the most fun EVER. 
I'm was so thankful for the best friends that stood by us on the best day ever!

These guys are the best and they sholl do know how to have a good time. 

The Best Man, Maxy, aka, Wells' Daddy and the best Father-in-law
Love this picture.

A few minutes before our ceremony began at 6:30, my bridesmaids and the Mamas came in to pray with me; the sweetest. As we said Amen, my nephew and our ring bearer, Crosby said wait, wait and began praying his prayer, "God our Father." 
This is when I remember the tears really started pouring, y'all.

The wedding party left and I was the only one left inside of the Rye Patch, 
Listening to the beautiful string trio play, I remember very clearly my prayer of rejoicing to Jesus,
feeling so thankful Him and for all that had led Wells and me to this day, 

I remember standing at the front door when my Dad finally opened it, smiling with tears in his eyes and said, you look beautiful Addison Grace.  I got out the words, "thank you," and "Love you Dad" 
And boy, did I LOSE IT. I ugly cried y'all. The Bridal Chorus was being played by our string trio as I walked with my Dad and I had this overwhelming feeling seeing 300 of our closest friends and family sitting in 95 degree weather, all here just for us. Seeing Wells smiling back at me, I had this amazing feeling of love and support; the most I've ever felt. This was the ultimate reminder to me of  how faithful and good our God is.

Our ceremony to this day is really all a blur, I know that it was beautiful and straight from the heart and from God's word, thanks to Bill, our officiant; we are so thankful for Bill.
Wells and I took communion and I didn't know this this until later, but apparently, Morgan, my sister realized as I was walking down the aisle that the wine bottle was sitting on our communion table so she proceeds to pour it into the glass. (Just one of the many many things I was oblivious to and chuckled about when I found out afterwards.)

As we entered our reception, one of Wells' wild groomsmen threw birdseed at us....which was supposed to be for certainly made things interesting, hah. After we got our heads cleaned out, we had our 1st Dance, shagging under the live oaks to "With the Ring," by The Platters.

Then my Dad and I shagged to James Taylor, "How Sweet it Is," one of our favs. I was very purposeful about choosing very happy and upbeat songs, for my dances just because, well just because; who wanted to cry? I wanted to celebrate. 

 Y'all, our reception really was the best time; great food, good drinks, boiled peanuts, and our awesome wedding band meant a grand southern time.
Everyone had the best time dancing and cutting loose. Our band was so good and Wells and I really didn't want our night to end. We were talking about this recently how we both could've stayed for another few hours if we could have.

Everyone was having such a good time, Wells and I almost forgot to cut the seriously, we almost did. Good thing we cut it because it was delish and I don't know what my parents would have done with all of that cake.

Our wedding was the best time I think I've had in my whole life. 
Seriously, best day EVER.

A few minutes after 10:00, Wells and I together, ran out the front door of the Rye Patch
 through a shower of birdseed to the rumble seat of my Dad's model A 
with the Just Married sign which my sister, Morgan  painted  and used on the car 
for her wedding 5 years earlier.
 The car had 3 coffee cans attached, which all ended up flying off on our 10 minute ride to my parents house where Wells and I went to afterwards to change out of our of our wedding clothes. 

I remember my brother-in-law coming home with my nephew, Crosby; sweet bubba was passed out. Y'all, he danced ALL night long. 
I asked Kirk if I could put him to bed, kissed him goodbye, said his prayers,
 and off Wells and I went to the Carriage House Inn for the night, the sweetest Inn located in downtown Aiken. 

We left early Sunday morning heading for Port Canaveral, Florida to set sail 
on our honeymoon cruise. 

We were The Pierces. 6.4.16

One year later Wellsy, I love you more than I did then. We are the Pierces, cheers to 50 more. Thank you Jesus, for this journey we get to be on together!

Until next time, 


Wedding Vendors:
Venue: The Rye Patch, Aiken, SC 

Photography: Jessica Roberts Photography
Florist: Kim @ Brenda's Balloons Flowers & Gifts 
Cake: Cathy Woodward
Invitations: Blush and Crew
Wedding Music: DePriest String Trio
Wedding Band: Soulution
Hair and Makeup: Emily Holland ,  
                              Jessica Melton
                              & Ali Bruce 
Officiant: Bill Crockett
Coordiation: Robin Kendrick

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