Tuesday, May 29, 2018

My 27th Year

o n e  w e e k  l a t e  ; 

but I’d say that’s Addie girl fashion-ably late”ish” through & through... am I right people? 

Last Monday, May 21st, I celebrated the beginning of my 27th year. I didn’t take 1 pic on my birthday... again, so me. Thankfully my sis, Hannah is always there to document our lives.
Throughout this past week, the thought had crossed my mind several times to make a “thanks y’all for the b-day wishes post,” but every time I had that thought it just didn’t feel like enough... and (so typical) that thought left my head... squirrel! & onto something else. 

This morning, as I was sitting in this 100-year-old home here in Chester that we’ve been so blessed to live in for a few months, I glanced at my birthday cards & thought for a brief second, “oh I should put those things up, my birthday is ova.” & all of the sudden I was filled with gratitude, so I snapped this pic.

My initial reaction= crud, you can see my huge pile of laundry in the background, & great You can tell the floors are dirty... but gosh, Opie Taylor (our baby kitten) looks too dang cute to crop. 

& there came a thought; 
What if instead of focusing on that ever-growing pile of laundry in the background... (that I big time suck at- ask Wells) or the dirt on the floors, I choose to be thankful for the dirt on the floors, for that reminds me of the fun that was had on my birthday, for family that traveled on a manic Monday evening just to be with me. What if I choose instead of complaining or being embarrassed about the laundry, I choose to be thankful that there is laundry to do, that I have clothes to wear, and that I have to ability and the means to do laundry.

These simple everyday things are just that, simple little things; but what if the little things really are the big things in life? What if instead of only looking forward, we live simply in the moment and we take time to look up. It is in these simple times that I am brought to my knees with thankfulness and that is truly my best place to be. 
In my 27th year, I hope I can learn to look up;
to choose to see the little things in life, to choose to see the light in sometimes dark days, to choose to be real in our insta perfect world, to choose to see the good even if there is only a speck, to choose to remain positive when life seems so unknown, to choose to take the backroad when the calendar says hurry the heck up, to choose to love even when you’re tired & you feel like you have nothing else to give, to be thankful for all that comes my way, for there is purpose in it all. I just have to choose to see it.

This year, my 27th year I’m going to try to choose  J O Y  daily, hour by hour, minute by minute. For my God is good and deserves all of my praise.

Until next time,


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