Thursday, May 18, 2017

Hope is in the Waiting; Finding my Joy in Jesus, No Matter What

"Today started out like most days. I knew I had an appointment scheduled with an Endocrinologist, due to some unexplained weight gain...I figured I would go and explain to them how I have gained some weight...and haven’t been able to lose it...they would give me some magic medicine and life would be good.
it didn't quite go like that.
This morning, after being examined, I was told that I had a nodule on my right Thyroid gland. I was all good with that bit of info; I asked some questions about what that meant. The doc said we would just need to have some blood work done and get an ultrasound of the Thyroid. Then, he said something he shouldn't have said, He said we needed to check all of this because the nodule could be c*nc*rous.

Feeling overwhelmed with emotions, fighting back the tears; I did my best to just ask what all of this meant for me, what would happen if the tests came back normal, or what if they came back abnormal? The doctor explained to me something about there is only a 5% chance of it being cancer...but y'all, in that moment I didn’t care what some percentage says.
All I could think was, "This is my body. I am only 25, almost 26. I am too young. That word should not be a word I am hearing." I just didn’t understand.
To me that C word is just about the very worst thing I could hear from a doctor. That word brings up SO many emotions and feelings..."

You see...
My Dad was diagnosed with Stage 4 Lymphoma in 1999. Y'all, I was a Daddy's girl and I was only in 3rd grade and just didn't really understand what was going on. I only knew that my Dad had a shiny, bald head and that he was sick, so sick that he was in the hospital in Charleston, SC.; 3 hours away from home. I knew that he wasn't with us at Christmas that year, and my Mom was by his side the whole way.
By the grace of God, my Dad beat Lymphoma in 1999-2000 but then had a reoccurrence in 2002.
I remember that sinking feeling of fear and confusion when my parents sat me and my sisters down to tell us that our Dad had cancer, again. I remember feeling angry and confused. I remember thinking to myself how much I hated this disease.
However, all praise to Jesus, my Dad received treatments and the cancer was gone.
Then again in the fall of 2012, I was a senior at Clemson University; my Dad was diagnosed with tongue cancer. I didn't actually know what was going on. My parents decided not to disclose to me that it actually was as bad as it was. I can remember sitting on our swing in my parents’ back yard with my sister, Hannah. I vividly remember the conversation we had; I remember Hannah telling me details of what could happen to our Dad, how he may have to have a feeding tube, or how he could face issues with his speech. I remember sitting there and crying together. I remember Hannah reminding me like she always does, that everything would be okay. I remember Hannah saying that Dad would be okay and that God is a good God and that we know He will protect our Dad. She reminded me many times how God healed our Dad before and that we just have to put our faith in Jesus. My Dad ended up having a good bit of his tongue surgically removed with no complications and to this day is cancer free, praise be to God!

..."So when the doctor said that word to me, I was truly in a state of shock and confusion. Right out of left field it came…, I didn't even know that was a possibility.
To me, Cancer = confusion, fear, worry...

A short time after I left my appointment, I spoke to my Dad who shared his own wisdom with me. He cared, he understood, and he tried to put my mind at ease. He said like he always does, 'you know Addison; everything is going to be okay. God will take care of you.

So as I sit here journaling with tears in my eyes, my human flesh is still full of worry, scary thoughts, and questions; while Jesus is continuously reminding me that he has me; that this is nothing He cannot handle, that I am his and he will protect me, no matter what the outcome.”  (Journal Entry, 5-10-17)                          
To me, Jesus = clarity, faith, and certainty
 I am still waiting to get some answers about my health... but there is hope in the waiting; there is joy in surrendering your worry to the God who made the Universe.
When you do this, a true appreciation comes alive for things most of the time you just normally bypass because you’re trying to get to point B, whatever that point B is... For me, it’s slowing down, taking a drive, having a nice meal, walking the golf course alongside my husband; truly appreciating the beauty of nature, Spanish moss and the shadiest oak trees remind me of the hope.
No matter what, Jesus is bigger than health scares, he is bigger than disease, he is bigger than financial issues, and he is bigger than whatever is going on in your life right now. Jesus has a plan for my life and he has a plan for your life;                                                                          
 Jeremiah 29:11 says,
“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” 
I am reminded daily of the hope that I have in Jesus Christ.
The song, No Longer Slaves reminds me, "I'm no longer a slave to fear. I am a child of God."

During times of uncertainty, I am reminded of the JOY that I have and where that joy truly comes from. Truly finding that my joy comes from Christ is a beautiful thing. I can live joyfully because of Jesus, not because of my circumstances.

James 1:2-3 says, "Count it all joy, my brothers, when you meet trials of various kinds, for you know that the testing of your faith produces steadfastness."

Even when days are hard, when life seems so all up in your face, like it's coming at you like a speeding car head on, I choose hope. I choose joy. He is faithful. He is all knowing. He is Father. As the song Ever Be says, "Your praise will ever be on my lips." Jesus, through the good, the bad, even the unsure times of life, I choose praise, I choose to be joyful, I choose to put my hope in the one who made it all.

I have faith that no matter what happens to me, I serve a good God; and I will choose to be joyful all the days of my life.

Until next time


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